Imagen de la noticia 1st birthday of the cluster
04.07.2023 Actuality

1st birthday of the cluster

On July 4, 2023 iCONS celebrated its first birthday, honoring the founding charter that 11 companies drafted a year earlier to start this adventure of collaboration and growth, illustrating the union of the value chain.

Manufacturers based on different materials (Viguetas Navarra in prefabricated concrete, Madergia in wood), distributors (Onhaus), architects and engineers (Varquitectos, FS Ingenieria), developers (Nasuvinsa), builders also from different fields (Erro y Eugui, Obenasa, Construcciones Garbayo y Chivite and Nuevo Sistema Modular) and knowledge agents (UNAV).

This entity was presented in society on October 20, 2022, being the launching of the project after a summer of strategy design and learning through initiation meetings with key agents of the ecosystem.

This has inaugurated the activity of the “Monthly partners’ coffee”, an informal breakfast, with no predefined agenda and exclusively for partners, where to exchange general ideas, review the status of ongoing projects, “plant seeds” for new ones and above all continue connecting the different links in the value chain, which can only work if all of them are strong and well linked together.