Imagen de la noticia All group action lines launched
01.03.2024 Actuality

All group action lines launched

The cluster has launched all the lines of action envisaged in the work teams, after a corresponding contrast with partners and subsequent voting. The following 16 committees are thus set up:

  • L1. Industrialization, composed of 10 commissions:
    • L1.1: Integration of systems solutions materials in an industrialized building system
    • L1.2: promotion of industrialized sheets in Navarre
    • L1.3: Study of solutions in certification for improved financing
    • L1.4: Creation of cost calculator to compare traditional construction with industrialized construction
    • L1.5: Analysis of a traditional construction project with industrialized construction
    • L1.6: Component industrialization study: implications and possibilities
    • L1.7: Development of a catalogue of industrialization solutions and suppliers
    • L1.8: Preparation of the first industrial construction manifesto, together with other national agents
    • L1.9: Development of a specialized guide to industrialization focusing on promoters
    • L1.10: Talks/colloquia on industrialization specifically with architects
  • L2. Digitization, with the following 3 commissions:
    • L2.1: Analysis, definition and standardization of BIM requirements
    • L2.2: Analysis of the state of the art of collaborative contracts
    • L2.3: Diagnosis of the degree of digitalisation in the sector in Navarre and subsequent action plan for improvement
  • L3. Sustainability, with 2 commissions:
    • L3.1: Circular Economy
    • L3.2: Carbon footprint calculation
  • L4. Rehabilitation: a single commission currently responsible for 4 lines

Each commission being sovereign and autonomous, the interconnection between them is guaranteed by the cluster. The meetings are being held online to facilitate attendance, and there will be a presentation of results later.

All entities are welcome to join commissions at any time.