Imagen de la noticia Conference on Industrial Building Systems: Foundations
27.11.2023 Actuality

Conference on Industrial Building Systems: Foundations

The industrialization of construction is very complex, with different systems, conditions and languages but also with many possibilities, opportunities and challenges.

To explore all this we will celebrate the next 27 of November, from 11:30 h to 14 h, an event in person and streaming where referents of the 3 industrialized construction systems will present their options and answer all questions.

The initiative aims to lay the foundations for, subsequently, increasing the possibilities of collaboration and development of each of the systems with all the agents of the value chain. Specific follow-up meetings will be organized with interested parties.

Agenda confirmed:

Afterwards there will be a networking aperitif among all the attendees.

#Registration required in the

We are waiting for you to follow the path of industrialization.