Imagen de la noticia Forum Navarra Zirkular participation “Digital product passport: opportunities and challenges for the Navarre industry”
12.03.2024 Actuality

Forum Navarra Zirkular participation “Digital product passport: opportunities and challenges for the Navarre industry”

The Cirkulars Forums promoted by Navarra Zirkular have been reorganised under the title ‘Digital product passport: opportunities and challenges for the Navarre industry’, with the active participation as a speaker of the round table of Íñigo Porres, iCONS manager.

The opening was led by Uxue Itoiz, director general of Energy, RD and entrepreneurship, who has emphasized two important issues:

  • The digital passport is a European legislation that will affect Navarrese companies
  • Navarra Zirkular has the challenge of advancing technological development and preparing Navarre companies for new sustainable regulations that are being implemented in Europe.
    • Actions: Webinars, forums and conferences with more than 650 attendees. He has also collaborated in the creation of the Chair for Knowledge Transfer in Circular Economy, encouraged by GAN-NIK and UPNA.
    • Services: It offers a free circular economy diagnosis, looking to analyze business opportunities and areas of improvement in the circular economy for different companies in Navarre.

In addition, two round tables were held to discuss how the digital passport will affect the industry in Navarre and explore the opportunities it offers for companies.

  • Presentations:
  • Round Tables:
    • First panel: “The digital passport and its future application to the Navarre industry”. Representatives from the production sectors of Navarra, such as Susana Barasoain, manager of Functional Print; Iñigo Porres, manager of Icons; Iker Chasco, managing director of Enercluster; and Javier Belarra, ACAN coordinator.
    • Second panel: Under the title “Digital passport opportunities for companies”, companies working in this area participated, Edu Uribisalgo, Director of Sustainability and Innovation at Ternua Group; Iban Latasa, Technology Director for IED; Gonzalo Troyas, Commercial and Marketing Director at Dynamobel; and Alberto Loizate, CEO of ALEA.

Finally, details of the APPEND project developed by a Swedish consortium were presented: