Imagen de la noticia iCONS Assembly
04.07.2023 Actuality

iCONS Assembly

The first great public meeting of iCONS has been held at the Higher Technical School of the University of Navarra with great success of attendance.

After the last Board of Directors meeting of the course, where 8 new enthusiasts were welcomed (the Navarrese Forjados Orgues SL, Suministros Eléctricos Gabyl SA, Construcciones San Martin, S.A. and Inslaben SL, the Biscayan Egoin, NorthBIM and THiNK productivity and Danosa from Guadalajara), the Assembly of members took place, with almost 100% attendance and approval of all the points on the agenda.

This was followed by the public event, introduced by Carlos Naya, director of the School, where the president of the cluster, Iñigo Eugui, reviewed the current status and main milestones for this year and next, before giving way to the intervention of Ecequiel Barricart, from YOU MEDIA, entitled “The soul of the cluster”, in which he presented the new brand of the association, iCONS.

Afterwards, the architect and executive president of Estudio Lamela, Carlos Lamela, gave a presentation on the industrialization of construction, bringing real experiences of industrialized projects.

Finally, there was an aperitif networking with the 140 attendees.