Imagen de la noticia iCONS promotes the industrialization of construction with 57 partners that invoice 3.2 billion
13.06.2024 Actuality

iCONS promotes the industrialization of construction with 57 partners that invoice 3.2 billion

Under the title ‘Building seriously‘, the II Annual Meeting of the Cluster of Construction Industrialization of Navarra (iCONS) reflected on the milestones already achieved by the sector and the challenges that it still has to face. And he did so with the help of three national experts in the field from the study Touza Arquitectos, la ‘startup’ 011h and the signing Ávit-A, who shared their success stories.

The construction is living a “historical” moment. On the one hand, it is faced with rising material prices and a lack of staff, as in many other sectors, as well as a shortage of land available for construction. On the other hand, it must address the environmental requirements adopted by Europe. In fact, the European Parliament ratified last March a law that obliges all new buildings to be zero emissions from 2030, The regulation is passed in 2028 for public buildings. All this with the aggravating factor of “being the only large sector which has not yet taken up the transformation of its production model”, unlike others relevant to Navarra such as automotive or renewable energy.

So these companies have already turned their eyes to industrialization. In fact, it is expected that 10% of the future buildings of the country will be built following this model from 2030, according to the Radar of trends of the building 2024 elaborated by Rebuild. And that, even if there is an important journey to do, its momentum will allow companies to build in a profitable, sustainable and digital way.

These reflections were the focus of the II Annual Meeting of the Cluster for the Industrialization of Construction in Navarre (iCONS), which, under the sponsorship of CaixaBank and support of the Gobierno de Navarra, was held last week in Salesianos Pamplona. Under the title ‘Building in Earnest’, the conference brought together more than a hundred representatives of architectural studios, promoters, construction companies, manufacturers, digital companies and training centres, who were able to know the current status and the next lines of action of the cluster, The European Commission has published a report on the European Union’s research and development policy in the field of education.

The cluster already brings together 57 companies and entities, with an annual aggregate turnover of 3,248 million euros. In addition, he has participated in the dialogue that the regional government has promoted around the future Industrial Law. “In order to make Navarre more attractive for investment and more efficient for the business fabric, we have requested, among other things, administrative simplification, transparency and traceability of files, and improvements in taxation. We also hope to participate in the review process of the S4 Strategy to apply for construction as a strategic sector, just as it is in other communities such as Castilla y León”, he said.

The day ended with an open invitation from the cluster to all companies that “want to participate in the irreversible transformation” of the sector. “We will continue to work on building the foundations and seriously building up the construction industry. We must do this by fitting together as pieces of a puzzle the new technologies and construction systems that are emerging at an accelerated pace, always from the collaboration and dialogue between all the agents involved”, said Íñigo Porres (cluster manager).

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