Imagen de la noticia II iCONS Annual Meeting: “Building for the Real World”
20.05.2024 Actuality , ,

II iCONS Annual Meeting: “Building for the Real World”

We are pleased to announce and invite you to the II iCONS annual meeting, entitled “Building seriously”, on June 13 at 6 pm in Pamplona .

It will be a good opportunity to know the current status and next action lines of the cluster, by the president Iñigo Eugui Martínez de Azagra, and the real testimonies and experiences of 3 state leaders in industrialized construction:

Previously we will have the institutional opening of Patricia Fanlo Mateo, Councilor for University, Innovation and Digital Transformation of the Gobierno de Navarra.

We will conclude the event with an aperitif where we will meet a large number of companies from all over the value chain.
We are waiting for you to continue “building seriously” among all the new construction based on industrialization, sustainability and digitalization.