Imagen de la noticia Intervention in Melilla
01.12.2023 Actuality

Intervention in Melilla

The first meeting on industrialized construction in Melilla “Industrial Construction in Melilla: an opportunity for investment”, took place on December 1st, 2023 in the old Hospital del Rey, organized by the COAAT Malaga Delegation in Melilla and the CEME CEOE.

The event had an excellent impact on the Melilian society, reflected in the attendance of a large and heterogeneous public, as well as authorities such as the Government Delegate, Da. Sabrina Moh Abdelkader, and the First Vice-President of the Autonomous City, D. Miguel Marín Cobos, who, at the closing of the event, publicly showed their unequivocal support for the initiative, and its commitment to support and encourage their development

We had the opportunity to participate as speakers of the event, where our president Iñigo Eugui Martínez de Azagra explained the birth, development and operation of iCONS, The European Commission has recently published a study on the role of the EU in the field of education and training.

The conclusions of the day can be summarized in 3 differential aspects:

  • The future of industrialized construction in the city
  • Create an expectation of value and investment in a market that is little exploited in the city
  • The development of a new economic relationship of the city with the European and African markets.

Thanks again to the COAAT Malaga Delegation in Melilla and the CEME CEOE for hosting us and we hope to continue collaborating to boost the collaboration between Navarra and Melilla on the way to industrialization.