Imagen de la noticia Launch of the new academic year 2023/2024
01.09.2023 Actuality

Launch of the new academic year 2023/2024

September will kick off a new academic year that promises to be exciting, intense and challenging. It will be the second year of iCONS, a year in which we will continue to consolidate the project, taking the first firm steps in the lines of action identified, while continuing to expand it with new partners throughout the value chain.

We will begin with the presentation of the website and the corporate dossier, after the work carried out with the agency YOU Media, as well as with the launch of the newsletter, both the specific one for members and the general one for all the companies in the sector.

The main milestone will be the start of the first working groups of the cluster, among those prioritized in the strategic plan. A small group of companies will be in charge, in each of them, of coordinating the implementation of the lines of action of this theme, in which the most suitable partners will participate to add value.

New members will be welcomed after the corresponding board meetings on September 14 and December 14. We will exceed 50 members with the incorporation of leading companies from different parts of Spain, with very different but complementary services, sizes and backgrounds, and we will also have a diverse set of knowledge exchange activities, both informal (continuation of the monthly member coffee and group visits) and organized on current topics such as BIM or artificial intelligence.

We will continue to contribute with enthusiasm to the new construction, following the planned roadmap and open to new possibilities.