Imagen de la noticia Launch team Digitalization
16.10.2023 Actuality

Launch team Digitalization

After the formation of the Sustainability team, it is the turn of the Digitalization team, coordinated by northBIM (Pedro Taberna Sanz), LARRABY ELECTRONICA Y COMUNICACION SL (Oscar Rived) and FSGROUP Engineering (José Andrés Olivas Ramírez).

The first activity will consist of a training itinerary of 3 online sessions introducing in each one the 3 main themes in which the group is structured, and after each session specific commissions will be formed to advance on specific milestones related to:

  • Process improvement / lean
  • BIM
  • Digital Transformation (different from BIM)

The 1st, on Monday 16 October, addresses the methodology of process improvement (#collaborative contracts, #lastplannersystem, etc.) with a first exhibition by Fernando Cerveró Romero, of THiNK productivity.

In addition, two large partner companies will share their real experience applying these #methodologies: Javier Contín Vital on the part of Obras Especiales and Luis Javier Valencia Ardaiz of ACR.

On 6 November will be held the 2nd session of the team, 1st sub-section of BIM, where two of the coordinators, Pedro Taberna and José Andrés Olivas, The main features of this methodology and its main advantages will be presented, as well as two case studies.

On 27 November the itinerary will be closed with the 3rd session, related to Digital Transformation, where the third coordinator, Óscar Rived, will expose all the possibilities of transformation that the sector presents, including sensorics or artificial intelligence among other levers.

All member companies wishing to join can do so after registration. Further sessions will be held in the near future to further advance the themes.