Imagen de la noticia Participation in the II Rehabilitation Congress
25.04.2024 Actuality

Participation in the II Rehabilitation Congress

Recently we were invited to the “II Rehabilitation Congress” organized by inmatbyciare in collaboration with Garrigues at the CIARE Congress, to participate as speakers in the round table ¿Is it possible to implement processes of Industrialized Construction in Rehabilitation?.

We had the pleasure of sharing round table with great professionals as:

President Iñigo Eugui Martínez de Azagra and the coordinator of the cluster rehabilitation team, MIGUEL ANGEL DIAZ ITURRIAGA, They were able to engage in dialogue and contribute to the debate with ideas such as:

  • To industrialize rehabilitation, the levers that promote industrialization on the one hand and rehabilitation on the other must continue to be activated
  • Without aid there is no rehabilitation (demand very elastic and sensitive to the final price). No rehabilitation means no fulfilment of environmental objectives in the face of an old housing stock with a low average energy rating
  • Without stability and security of these aids there is no investment. Without industrial investment there will be no specific solutions

Thank you to all the attendees for listening once again and to the organizers for giving us a space to continue contributing our part to the difficult question of whether it is possible The European Commission has been working on this.

Especially, thanks to the professionals who have orchestrated our round table Fernando Catalán de Ocón Cadenas y Antonio D. and, to the hosts Garrigues.