Imagen de la noticia Presentation of the iCONS Strategic Plan
03.05.2023 Actuality

Presentation of the iCONS Strategic Plan

The analysis that will mark the road map of the next years is completed

The strategic plan of the cluster has been presented in an interesting day at the hall of the Confederation of Navarre (CEN), with a full capacity and more than 90 companies attending. This event concludes a process started in October 2022 with the specialized consultant Cluster Development, and that opens a new period in iCONS, The Commission’s proposals for action in the following years

The 28 lines are within the 7 identified work areas.

  1. Innovation and new constructive solutions
  2. Decarbonisation and sustainability
  3. Digitisation and common language
  4. Rehabilitation
  5. Market development and new business models
  6. Talent
  7. End-user and promoter knowledge

These areas range from facilitating by the cluster the calculation of each company’s carbon footprint and supporting the subsequent decarbonization plan to promoting joint RD in The European Commission, DG XIII, has published a report on the The training of trainers is a key element in the development of new skills and in the promotion of innovation.

The cluster will rely on other existing agents to deploy these actions as far as possible, such as Navarra Zirkular (all related to circular economy) or the Navarre IRIS Digital Innovation Pole in terms of digitization.

The plan is the result of an intensive process that accumulates among other milestones more than 40 interviews with companies in the value chain, 4 clusters analyzed in depth The conference will be held in Madrid (2 French, 1 Austrian and the Clúster de la Edificación de Madrid), 4 contrast sessions with more than 30 participating companies and 2 preliminary conclusions events.