Imagen de la noticia “Start of the course” event at the Edifica23 fair
21.09.2023 Actuality

“Start of the course” event at the Edifica23 fair

Great day in Edifica23 at our event “Start of the 2023/2024 course” where the momentum of the construction sector in its transformation was confirmed.

The president Iñigo Eugui Martínez de Azagra welcomed and summarized the current situation, in which the cluster has exceeded 50 partners, distributed throughout the value chain, with an aggregate turnover of more than € 2,850 MM.

Íñigo Porres García, The manager, 1️⃣ presented the results of the form completed by the partners, which illustrate the “hunger” and the willingness of all participants to move forward, 2️⃣introduced the work teams, The Committee will also discuss the activities of the Commission’s new Working Group on Sustainable Development, 3️⃣and the sessions and activities to be held in the coming months.

The coordinators of the teams showed the general lines of action of the strategic axes: Luis Ilundain of Viguetas Navarras in Industrialización, Xabier Azpíroz of Abaigar Promoción y Construcción in Sustainability, Pedro Taberna Sanz of northBIM in Digitization and Miguel Ángel Díaz de DG Arquitectura Sostenible in rehabilitation.

Finally, the website was presented.

Thanks again to the Passivhaus Consortium for hosting us and to all the partners, who filled the room and illustrated the growing enthusiasm of the project.